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What is HACCP?

HACCP (hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a food safety management system that will help you ensure that the food sold by your business is safe to be eaten by your consumers. It is a systematic and preventive approach to food safety. It is a requirement for international trade and achievement of this qualification gives learners the skills to assist in the implementation of a HACCP system, to critically evaluate HACCP plans and to understand the importance of having an effective HACCP system in place.

Why HACCP training is important?

It plays a key role in identifying and controlling hazards from farm to table. HACCP will help the business to; • Identify the potential hazard
• Developing control measures
• Identify the critical steps and
• Monitoring and verification of the HACCP plan

Who can attend this qualification?

Any personnel who are part of HACCP team, handling food, maintaining HACCP or working at management level with in catering.

What are the different qualifications available?

1. HACCP Awareness 2. Level 2 Award in HACCP for Catering / Manufacturing
3. Level 3 Award in HACCP for Catering / Manufacturing
4. Level 4 Award in HACCP Management for Catering

How does HACCP helps?

• Increase you brand reputation
• Ensure distribution of high quality foods
• Prevents food poisoning and other health risk
• Controls all potential hazards

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Our experienced auditors can audit your food saftey management system. Food you are supplying to the market safe.