Online Assessment

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1 / 14

1. What is the fecal-oral route?

2 / 14

2. What is an example of a pathogen?

3 / 14

3. Perishable foods can be left out at room temperature for?

4 / 14

4. Which one of the following is acceptable for a food handler to wear?

5 / 14

5. The temperature danger zone is between?

6 / 14

6. What is the duration for proper hand washing?

7 / 14

7. Which of the following is a common source of food poisoning bacteria?

8 / 14

8. Which of these are all examples of physical contamination?

9 / 14

9. Which of the following is not a practical method to control microbiological hazards?

10 / 14

10. What are the basic steps for washing hands?

11 / 14

11. You are off work with diarrhoea or a bad case of the flu. When can you return to work?

12 / 14

12. What must a food handler not do?

13 / 14

13. What is cross contamination?

14 / 14

14. Protective clothing should be worn?

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The average score is 67%

